note to spammers
when I get an email from Santa (RowlandUBryce@Delairgroup.com) that says "Your wife just emailed me" in the subject line I AM NOT GOING TO READ IT.
quote of the day
- I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Austrian philosopher (1889 - 1951)
working hard, or....
I'm working at home and it's actually going pretty well!! I can't believe it! If I'd forseen this I would have done this WEEKS ago!!!
ok back to work.
Congrats to JW for his passing on his thesis. i salute you with a virtual 红包. word.
ok back to work.
Congrats to JW for his passing on his thesis. i salute you with a virtual 红包. word.
(rob? rob?) nevermind.
Here is a video of the ukelele orchestra of Great Britain doing "Smells like Teen Spirit."
was getting a little tired of the old look and decided to do some rearranging. it doesn't have the VD look, but I figured that was probably a good thing.
i'm still reworking the html to get the sidebar back in order. i love editing code!
i'm still reworking the html to get the sidebar back in order. i love editing code!
Reading Under the Banner of Heaven sparked an interest in all things fundamentalist...that combined with a recent surge free time and the acquisition of a cambridge library card (and also a little urging from my roommates) meant that a copy of Dianetics found its way into my hands. I was hesitant about taking it out of the library since I discovered that the Government is keeping track of my borrowing (thanks, Freedom of Information Act!!) but it was pointed out to me that the government will probably be run by Scientologists in 20 years and that I'm really doing myself a favor by taking it out now. a long term investment if you will...oh boy, i can hardly wait.
anyways, I only read the first 10 pages or so, but nothing juicy. For the time being, I'm relying on South Park for the condensed version.
anyways, I only read the first 10 pages or so, but nothing juicy. For the time being, I'm relying on South Park for the condensed version.
the dentist conspiracy
i have always had a theory that dentists, have a cavity quota that they have to fill. you know, like traffic tickets and police. i think it makes perfect sense.
last night
I had the strangest dream...call it stress, or maybe it was just the baby aspirin I took before bed (yes, I actually took "baby aspirin" and no I'm not 50, but how that happened is a different story in and of itself...) but it ranks up there as one of the single most bizarre things I have ever recalled.
The gist of it was this: somehow I discovered that I had a super-power. I could just point in a particular direction and instantly turn whatever was on the wall into a Pop-Tart. Yes! like you eat (or, rather, i eat. a lot). SOOooo there I was, pointing at billboards and turing them into large, frosted Pop-Tarts (to be fair, I made a few strawberry unfrosted as well) -- in mint green and light blue flavors like spearmint and wintergreen.
Anyway, but before you're overcome with envy... as fabulous as this may sound, I quickly discovered that there was a hitch (well, a booming voice told me). While I could turn anything into any flavor of Pop-Tart, I could only turn it into a raw Pop-Tart. That is to say, I couldn't make a toasted Pop-Tart. How frustrating!!!
I should have known it was too good to be true. Welcome to my purgatory.
[the water is warm....but the Pop-Tarts are cold....]
The gist of it was this: somehow I discovered that I had a super-power. I could just point in a particular direction and instantly turn whatever was on the wall into a Pop-Tart. Yes! like you eat (or, rather, i eat. a lot). SOOooo there I was, pointing at billboards and turing them into large, frosted Pop-Tarts (to be fair, I made a few strawberry unfrosted as well) -- in mint green and light blue flavors like spearmint and wintergreen.
Anyway, but before you're overcome with envy... as fabulous as this may sound, I quickly discovered that there was a hitch (well, a booming voice told me). While I could turn anything into any flavor of Pop-Tart, I could only turn it into a raw Pop-Tart. That is to say, I couldn't make a toasted Pop-Tart. How frustrating!!!
I should have known it was too good to be true. Welcome to my purgatory.
[the water is warm....but the Pop-Tarts are cold....]
duh-nuh- NAH-NAH,..
just in case you happen to have nothing useful to do with yourself (like me). this is worth a little stroll down memory lane. As soon as I saw a mention of "West Beverly" I almost fell out of my chair and snorted my drink. Whew! those were good times.
forget cinco de mayo
cinco de mayo is all well and good, but today is may fourth! like as in the may fourth movement aka 五四运动. oh boy, have i read some good 五四运动 literature. and may fourth was the day students all went on strike...sounds like a pretty good idea right now...
Phoneless. Day 4.
It has been almost FOUR FULL days since I woke up to find my cell phone in two pieces on the floor and I'm almost starting to find this phone-free living ok, save for the fact the whole terribly inconvenient part. Also, i've been hedging big time about buying a new phone, since they are all astronomically expensive. I figured that starting off by reading some reviews would help me out. not so. After reading all the horror stories of people bitching about each and every model, it was hard to rationalize buying anything.
finally i just picked something on ebay and instantaneously fell into a post-purchase dissonance induced funk.
finally i just picked something on ebay and instantaneously fell into a post-purchase dissonance induced funk.
humpty dumpty
I woke up this morning to find my cell phone in 2 pieces, lying there on the floor. hmm, not sure how that happened.
...oh, and they were not two pieces that could easily be put back together.
so don't try to call me, cuz i aint around.
...oh, and they were not two pieces that could easily be put back together.
so don't try to call me, cuz i aint around.
在一起, biotch!
the rolling stones played beijing for the first time ever!
This quote (from a certain someone's favorite news source) has all the details. My favorite quotation:
"So old, and yet he can really perform," Song Jianghong said, referring to Jagger, 62.
One of the best things is that 崔建, chinese rock star, got to play with the Stones. Way to seel out, bro. you know things are changing when someone who's trademark song 一无所有 is being played for a crowd of people who payed 600 dollars for tickets.
"that's ridiculous."
it sure is.
This quote (from a certain someone's favorite news source) has all the details. My favorite quotation:
"So old, and yet he can really perform," Song Jianghong said, referring to Jagger, 62.
One of the best things is that 崔建, chinese rock star, got to play with the Stones. Way to seel out, bro. you know things are changing when someone who's trademark song 一无所有 is being played for a crowd of people who payed 600 dollars for tickets.
"that's ridiculous."
it sure is.
Don't call me Whitney, Bobby.
OMG. As many (okay, all of you) know, i have a passion for whitney houston. not for her music which i could (would prefer to) do without, but rather for one specific interview with Tv's own Diane Sawyer. She's a legend in my eyes -- made more so because that interview is now IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND. oh, would that i could watch those crack-laden antics one more time...
one caveat. mad props to mister jwww, to whom i was lamenting my inability to find aforementioned interview and once again he came through, telling me, "no, you have to search for streaming video," and found a clip with some whitney-diane action. from potTV no less.
hats off to you, my friend.
and now, for the real reason for this post -- whitney got her own petition. yes, it's a bit unclear as to what, exactly, one is signing on to, but it's certainly worth reading what others have written, even if you're not ready to commit.
one caveat. mad props to mister jwww, to whom i was lamenting my inability to find aforementioned interview and once again he came through, telling me, "no, you have to search for streaming video," and found a clip with some whitney-diane action. from potTV no less.
hats off to you, my friend.
and now, for the real reason for this post -- whitney got her own petition. yes, it's a bit unclear as to what, exactly, one is signing on to, but it's certainly worth reading what others have written, even if you're not ready to commit.
crosstown bus
I read this almost a year ago, and I still come back to it from time to time because it just makes me laugh soooo hard. i can totally see it playing out...
the morning comes in paragraphs
nice sentiment. I almost wish I'd come up with it. Instead, I have the distinction of having heard (or, rather, mis-heard) that phrase when it was a song lyric in a song that I'm too embarrassed to tell you the name of. I will tell you that the last word was supposed to be "paradise" and there you go, you can probably figure it out. although my guess would be that there are pl-enty of (time) songs about morning in paradise. so there you go (again). but really, i just realized that the words are not about morning in paragraphs...it was quite an epiphany....
I have been doing this for as long as I can remember. I always thought that the Madonna song was called "Papa Don't Breach." Not like a breach of security. I thought it was like the breaching of a whale. like, maybe her dad was so mad he would "breach" which would be kind of like flipping out, but worse.
I have been doing this for as long as I can remember. I always thought that the Madonna song was called "Papa Don't Breach." Not like a breach of security. I thought it was like the breaching of a whale. like, maybe her dad was so mad he would "breach" which would be kind of like flipping out, but worse.
"I don't believe in Fairness" (aka I'll see it when I believe it)
I just got back from a fantastic, fantastic show and it almost made up for all the crap-ass things that happened this week-- fair enough, mullet + working through spring break does not a tragedy make, but it's enough to put one off from glowing with wide-eyed splendor at the wonders of the world...
then i hung out at the bus stop in random-ass brookline for 40 min and was bitched at by the bus driver when he finally pulled up. now it's back to pcr in the AM.
all's well that ends well.
then i hung out at the bus stop in random-ass brookline for 40 min and was bitched at by the bus driver when he finally pulled up. now it's back to pcr in the AM.
all's well that ends well.
I read about this on Mocking Music -- the Mozart of the Mushroom kingdom, they call him. name Martin Leung: Irvine native, by way of HK. bad-ass pianist who arranges videogame themes for the 钢琴. I expected it to be really unpleasant to listen to, but it's pretty good...and in any case, this brought back a lot of memories......如果你ENJOY的话。。。there is more where that came from.
here is the YouSendIt link. (i just posted the song that my super mario gameboy game played. before i sat on it and it stopped working.
here is the YouSendIt link. (i just posted the song that my super mario gameboy game played. before i sat on it and it stopped working.
This weekend I went to an electronic music concert to see Evan Ziporyn play and also to see Alvin Lucier in the flesh once again. That part was kind of nice and his piece was a juuuuust as I remembered all his other stuff being. and I was kind of glad I wasn't playing it, as I don't think i have the strength for 30 min glissandos. anymore.
stupid hipsters. at least now you can figure out how to classify them. if you really care!
(and here is part II of the Field Guide to Identifying Hipsters).
in less hip news, i saw someone at the gym yesterday with her laptop on the elliptical machine. what is this world coming to? forget it, i already know.
(and here is part II of the Field Guide to Identifying Hipsters).
in less hip news, i saw someone at the gym yesterday with her laptop on the elliptical machine. what is this world coming to? forget it, i already know.
this made me laugh harder than hard. ay, mcsweeney's
that thing about the breakfast cereals had me falling out of my chair. in the library...
that thing about the breakfast cereals had me falling out of my chair. in the library...

王府井 的商场。我们的饭店就在后面 -- 在公厕的旁边,SEXSHOP的对面

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